Join Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. You can use the form on our website or email us directly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you. 
We value your suggestions and queries If you have other ways to support our campaigns and contribute to our cause, we’d love to hear from you!

Explore Opportunities for Volunteering Online

At times, our daily commitments can hinder our desire to contribute to a cause we care about. If you find yourself in this situation, consider becoming a cyber advocate for Devbhoomi Palayan & Rojgar Unmulan Samiti. By engaging in four straightforward tasks, you can volunteer online and make a difference:

  • Spread awareness by forwarding our emailers to friends and family, amplifying our message.
  • Share Devbhoomi Palayan & Rojgar Unmulan Samiti content on your social media, encouraging others to do the same.
  • Advocate for our nonprofit through the online platforms you frequent, amplifying our impact.
  • Support our campaigns by using our screensavers, wallpapers, buttons, and banners.
  • Your involvement as a cyber advocate can make a significant impact despite your busy schedule.

Social Media

Join us as a social media volunteer with easy tasks:

Follow us on Facebook, endorse our posts, and share with friends and family.


Tweet and retweet about our cause on Twitter, drawing more support.


Subscribe to our YouTube channel, engage with our videos by liking, sharing, and commenting.

On LinkedIn, connect with us and help extend our reach within your network.


On our website, you have the opportunity to initiate an online fundraising campaign, aiding us in gathering funds for employment generations and reverse migration causes. 


You can also craft campaigns for special events like birthdays or anniversaries. Share your campaign with friends, family, or your social media network to raise awareness.